Proximity Key Information
Access to the swimming pool and the restrooms is provided through the use of a Proximity Key.*
Proximity Keys are issued to the Unit Owners/Members of the Stepping Stone Condominium Association. A Unit Owner/Member will be issued a Proximity Key only after a signed Proximity Key Issuance Agreement has been submitted to the SSCA Office. A Renter may be issued a Proximity Key in lieu of the Unit Owner/Member only if 1) the Unit Owner/Member submits both the signed Agreement and a properly completed Proximity Key Renter Issuance Notary Form; and 2) a lease agreement in conformity with the RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RULES FOR LEASES FOR USE BY NON RESIDENT HOMEOWNERS OF STEPPING STONE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE CONDUCT OF LESSEES AND HOMEOWNERS is on file. Only one Proximity Key will be issued to each Unit.
Loss or damage of the Proximity Key will require replacement. The replacement cost is $25.00 and must be paid before a new key will be issued.
Copies of the Proximity Key Issuance Agreement and the Proximity Key Renter Issuance Notary Form are available for download below.
*Neither the Unit Owner/Member nor the renter or any occupant of a leased Unit shall be allowed to use the amenities of the Association and all rights and privileges as a Unit Owner are suspended as long as any violation of the aforementioned Resolution exist or while any indebtedness to the Association is outstanding. These rights and privileges shall include, but not be limited to, the use of the pool, clubhouse, tennis court and other amenities.

proximity_key_issuance_agreement__1_.pdf |

proximity_key_renter_issuance_notary_form.pdf |